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Policies and Information for all services

You will be given a physical copy of this form to sign when we meet on the day of your appointment. Bolded sections indicate action required from clients. Please read over this information and let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

 VACCINATION RECORDS: Rabies vaccinations are required for all dogs old enough to receive them to come in for any grooming services. Please bring proof of your dog’s current rabies vaccination to your appointment or send a photo of the paperwork via text or email before your appointment. Proof of vaccination is only valid if the document has the vaccine expiration date shown. If this document is unavailable to you, your vet can either provide a new copy or can contact your groomer with your permission at the number above to provide this information.

LATE PICK UP: Diamond in the Ruff does not use kennels to give pups a lower stress experience. Each appointment slot includes a projected 20 minute buffer between appointments to prevent dogs from being present during another dog’s appointment slot, which requires your groomer to split attention between those waiting for pickup and those receiving services. Clients will be notified 10 minutes before the services will be completed. If a dog is not picked up within half an hour of this notification, the hourly rate will apply the additional time the dog stays with your groomer. Pups may need to be crated if they create an unsafe situation while present during another dog's appointment slot.

​CANCELLATIONS/NO SHOWS: Appointments cancelled same day or day before, no shows, and missed appointments will be charged 50% of the estimated groom cost, to be paid before the next appointment can be booked. Clients arriving more than 15 minutes past their appointment time will be rescheduled. Clients who have a high percentage of last minute cancellations or no shows may be referred to other salons. 

VETERINARY LIABILITIES: Even with the gentlest care, there is always a risk of 

medical complications or injury when working with animals in potentially stressful situations and with sharp instruments. In the event of an injury, illness, or other condition deemed to require immediate medical attention, the owner will be notified and the groomer will bring the dog to the Knoll Animal Hospital for immediate treatment. By signing this form the owner authorizes the groomer to transport and seek necessary medical treatment for their dog. The owner is responsible for the cost of any necessary medical treatment and releases your groomer and Diamond in the Ruff from liability for the incident.

HEALTH COMPLICATIONS: Though your groomer will make every effort to give your pet a pleasant experience, grooming can be stressful. Stress can aggravate existing medical conditions or uncover new ones. Please inform your groomer of any and all known medical conditions such as back or joint pain, allergies, seizures, heart problems, difficulty breathing, skin conditions, etc. Senior pets have a higher risk of experiencing complications. The service may be ended early if the groomer deems continuing it would put your pet’s health at risk. Any situation where dogs come in contact with surfaces that other dogs have touched carries a risk of the spread of illnesses. While the entire salon is sanitized thoroughly at the end of each day with vet grade disinfectant, there is not time to top to bottom sanitize between each dog. Vaccines beyond just rabies are highly recommended for dogs going to any salon. By signing this form the owner acknowledges these risks and releases your groomer and Diamond in the Ruff from liability for any health complications or losses that arise during or after the grooming service. 


Owners are required to inform the groomer if their dog has bitten or shown aggression to people or other dogs in the past. A history of aggression or reactivity does not necessarily mean the dog cannot be groomed. This information helps your groomer keep themselves and the dog safe. In some cases a soft muzzle may be used. This does not harm the dog and will be removed if it causes serious distress. The service may be discontinued at any point if the dog’s behavior endangers themselves or the groomer.


Diamond in the Ruff prioritizes pets’ comfort and well-being above all else. In accordance with this goal, your groomer has the right to refuse services that will cause harm, discomfort, or pain to the dog. This includes but is not limited to unnecessary shaving double coated dogs such as huskies, leaving coats long when the owners have not shown they are able to maintain them, and attempting to brush out extensive tangling or matting.


Matted pets require extra care to groom as safely as possible. Matting is a serious issue that can cause pain, discomfort, skin infections, and irritation, and removing it can result in nicks, cuts, and tears in the skin. If the matting is severe, the service may be ended early and the dog may be referred to a veterinarian for their safety. Your groomer will do their best to inform you if shaving will be necessary at drop off, but it is not always possible to determine the severity of matting in some coats before the dog has been bathed.


As this business operates out of a residence, dogs with fleas or who have recently been sprayed by a skunk cannot be groomed at Diamond in the Ruff. If the dog arrives at their appointment with these or other conditions that would put areas of the home outside of the salon area at risk, the service will be rescheduled or cancelled.

PHOTO RELEASE (OPTIONAL): The owner agrees to allow photos or videos of their dog to be shared on Diamond in the Ruff’s website, social media pages, and/or other marketing channels. No identifying information will be shared beyond the pet’s name, which can also be kept private if requested. Notify your groomer at drop off if you do not wish for media of your pup to be shared.

Release form: About
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